Collection of American Anthropological Association publications, including journals, newsletters, bulletins, and conference proceedings.
Citations for journal articles, reports, commentaries, and edited works, in social, cultural, physical, biological, and linguistic anthropology, ethnology, archaeology, folklore, and material culture. Includes records from Anthropological Literature (Harvard University) and the Anthropological Index (Royal Anthropological Institute). Dates of coverage: Late 19th c. to date.
Multidisciplinary - good for nearly all subjects. Scholarly and trade journals, popular magazines, newspapers, conference proceedings, book reviews, and more.
Scholarly literature in the sciences, health and medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities and proceedings of international conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions. Includes cited reference searching across many databases. Search all databases in Web of Science (includes Medline and BIOSIS, direct link for on-campus users). Dates of coverage: 1965 to present.