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Digital Storytelling Tools: StoryMapJS

About StoryMapJS

StoryMapJS is the creation of Knight Labs at Northwestern University.  It is freely available.  (Note: This is not related to ArcGIS StoryMaps).

Step by Step

Sign In

All you need is a gmail account. 

Plan your story slide by slide

  • First slide is the landing page - give it a good title
  • All other slides may include:


  • base map from the defaults - try them all!
  • background color
  • icon on map/marker
  • map size, language, font


  • Early and often!

Publish Changes

  • if you’ve embedded your map code on a web site or shared on social media you’ll need to re-publish any changes you make


  • StoryMaps can be shared on social media or hosted on a web site using the embed code provided