More than 450 Met performances. Dozens of Live in HD productions, classic telecasts from the 1970s, '80s, '90s, and '00s, and hundreds of radio broadcasts dating back to 1936.
Thousands of streaming titles from the Fantasy catalogue and Naxos Jazz. Search by album or song title, featured artist(s), or catalog number. Includes album covers and liner notes.
Online music encyclopedia, offering comprehensive coverage of music, musicians, music-making, and music scholarship.
Open Access Online Resources
Music and the Holocaust: This website is focused on a particular aspect of that broad subject, namely the role of music in the Holocaust. While there is a great deal on this page, I had to use Google to find specific content. For example, I Googled "romany holocaust music" to find this page within the site:
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Library and Archives Research Guides: If you are seeking information about rock and roll musicians, the Rock Hall Library and Archives has an extensive collection of research guides for artists, subjects, and current and former exhibits.