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MHST 255: Music of the Romantic Era (Spring 2024)


This guide will assist with formatting music citations using the Chicago style. For more info, consult Chicago Manual online at:

Journal Article or Grove Article

Journal Article

Bibliography Entry:

Jones, David Wyn. “The Symphony in Beethoven’s Vienna.Notes  64, no. 2 (December 2007): 273-275.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

5David Wyn Jones, "The Symphony in Beethoven's Vienna," Notes 64, no. 2 (December 2007): 275.

In-text citation:

(Jones 2007, 275)


Article from Grove Music Online Electronic Database

Bibliography Entry:

Gillies, Malcolm. “Bartók, Béla, §1: 1881–1903." In Grove Music Online. Accessed May 20, 2009. Oxford Music Online.

Footnote/Endnote First Reference Entry:

3Malcolm Gillies, “Bartók, Béla, §1: 1881–1903, "Grove Music Online, accessed May 20, 2009, Oxford Music Online.

In-text citation:

(Gillies, n.d.)

Books & Dissertations

Book with One Author

Bibliography Entry:

          Sachs, Oliver. Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain. New York: Knopf, 2007.

Footnote/Endnote First Reference Entry:

12Oliver Sachs, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain (New York: Knopf, 2007), 53.

In-text citation:

(Sachs 2007, 53)


Book with Two or Three Authors

Bibliography Entry:

Naylor, Leonie E., Mary Haynes, and Michael Lee Naylor. Our Musical World: Creative Insights into a Planet’s Cultural Diversity. Ann Arbor, MI: Visions & Vibrations International, 2008.

Footnote/Endnote First Reference Entry:

15Leonie E. Naylor, Mary Haynes, and Michael Lee Naylor, Our Musical World: Creative Insights into a Planet’s Cultural Diversity (Ann Arbor, MI: Visions & Vibrations International, 2008), 59.

In-text citation:

(Naylor et al. 2008, 59)


Book with Editor or Translator in Addition to Author

Bibliography Entry:

Litzmann, Berthold. Clara Schumann: An Artist’s Life. Translated by Grace E. Hadow. New York: Vienna House, 1972.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

         21Berthold Litzmann, Clara Schumann: An Artist’s Life, trans. Grace E. Hadow (New York: Vienna House, 1972), 202.

In-text citation:

(Litzmann 1972, 202)


Thesis or dissertation

Bibliography Entry:

          Ames, Jeffery L. "A Pioneering Twentieth-Century African-American Musician: The Choral Works of George T. Walker." PhD diss., Florida                State University, 2005.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

  1. Jeffery L. Ames, "A Pioneering Twentieth-Century African-American Musician: The Choral Works of George T. Walker." (PhD diss., Florida State University, 2005), 65.

In-text citation:

(Ames 2005, 65)


Chapter or Part of an Edited Collection with Various Authored Chapters

Bibliography Entry:

Blaukopf, Herta. “Mahler as Conductor in the Opera House and in the Concert Hall.” In The Cambridge Companion to Mahler, edited by Jeremy Barham, 278-302. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

32Herta Blaukopf, “Mahler as Conductor in the Opera House and in the Concert Hall,” in The Cambridge Companion to Mahler, ed. Jeremy Barham (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), 298.

In-text citation:

(Blaukopf 2007, 298)


Chapter from a Single-Authored Book

Bibliography Entry:

Bouteneff, Peter C. "Music Found in Silence." In Arvo Pärt Out of Silence. Yonkers, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2015.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

32Peter C. Bouteneff "Music Found in Silence." In Arvo Pärt Out of Silence, (Yonkers, New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2015), 95-102. 

In-text citation:

(Bouteneff 2015, 95-102)


Sound Recording, Liner Notes, or article from Naxos Musicology

Sound Recording - Complete Work/Recording

Bibliography Entry:

Mahler, Gustav. Symphony no. 9. Berlin Philharmonic. Conducted by Sir Simon Rattle. EMI 50999 501228 20. 2008, compact disc.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

5Gustav Mahler, Symphony no. 9, Berlin Philharmonic, conducted by Sir Simon Rattle, EMI 50999 501228 20, 2008, compact disc.

In-text citation:

(Mahler 2008)


Sound Recording from a Streaming Service (Naxos Music Library)

Bibliography Entry:

Brahms, Johannes. Symphony no. 1 in C minor, op. 68. London Symphony Orchestra. Conducted by Neeme Jarvi. Complete Symphonies. Chandos CHAN9776-79. 1999. Accessed May 15, 2009. Naxos Music Library.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

9 Johannes Brahms, Symphony no.1 in C minor, op. 68, London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Neeme Jarvi, Complete Symphonies, Chandos CHAN9776-79, 1999, compact disc, accessed May 15, 2009. Naxos Music Library.

In-text citation:

(Brahms 1999)


Liner Notes from a Sound Recording or Streamed Audio

Bibliography Entry:

Perreau, Stephan. Liner Notes. Clara Schumann (1819-1896): Piano Music. Yoshiko Iwai (piano). Naxos 8.553501, 1999, compact disc.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

10Stephan Perreau, Liner Notes, Clara Schumann (1819-1896): Piano Music, Yoshiko Iwai (piano), Naxos 8.553501, 1999, compact disc.

In-text citation:

(Perreau 1999)


Article from Naxos

Bibliography Entry:

          Wright, Lesley A. "Werther in Paris: From Rejection to Consecration at the Opéra-Comique." Naxos Musicology International. Naxos Music               Library. February 07, 2021. Accessed February 18, 2021.                   consecration-at-the-op%C3%A9ra-comique/.  

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

1Lelsey A. Wright. "Werther in Paris: From Rejection to Consecration at the Opéra-Comique." Naxos Musicology International. Naxos Music               Library. February 07, 2021. Accessed February 18, 2021.                   consecration-at-the-op%C3%A9ra-comique/.

In-text citation:

(Wright 2021)



Score – Complete Work

Bibliography Entry:

Milhaud, Darius. La Création du Monde. Paris: M. Eschig, 1929.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

5Darius Milhaud, La Création du Monde (Paris: M. Eschig, 1929).

In-text Citation:

(Milhaud 1929)


Score – Portion of a Work

Bibliography Entry:

Fauré, Gabriel and Paul Verlaine. “L’hiver est cessé.” In La Bonne Chanson: Nine Songs on Poems by Paul Verlaine. New York: International Music Company, 1954.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

7Gabriel Fauré and Paul Verlaine, “L’hiver est cessé,” in La Bonne Chanson: Nine Songs on Poems by Verlaine (New York: International Music Company, 1954).

In-text Citation:

(Fauré and Verlaine 1954)


Score – Introduction or Preface

Bibliography Entry:

Boozer, Mark. Introduction to Three Visions: A Suite for Piano, by William Grant Still, i-iv. Flagstaff, AZ: W. G. Still Music, 2002.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

7Mark Boozer, introduction to Three Visions: A Suite for Piano, by William Grant Still (Flagstaff, AZ: W. G. Still Music, 2002).

In-text Citation:

(Boozer 2002, introduction)


Monuments of Music Scores

Bibliography Entry:

Eccles, John. Semele: An Opera. Edited by Richard Platt. Music Britannica: A National Collection of Music 76. London: Stainer and Bell, 2000.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

1Carlo Pallavicino, La Gerusalemme liberata, ed. Hermann Abert, Denkmäler deutscher Tonkunst 55 (Leipzig: Breitkopf & Härtel, 1916).

In-text Citation:

(Pallavicino 1916)



Monument with no editor for the volume

Bibliography Entry:

Machaut, Guillaume de. The Works of Guillaume de Machaut. Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century, edited by Leo Schrade, vols. 2-3*. Monaco: Editions de l'Oiseau-Lyre, 1956.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

1Guillaume de MachautThe Works of Guillaume de Machaut, Polyphonic Music of the Fourteenth Century, ed. Leo Schradevols. 2-3* (Monaco: Editions de l'Oiseau-Lyre, 1956).

*Since the works of Machaut span the 2nd and 3rd volumes of the series, we acknowledge both volumes by inserting "2-3."

In-text Citation:

(Machaut 1956, 2: 45)


Collected Editions of Composers

Bibliography Entry:

Verdi, Giuseppe. Il TrovatoreLibretto by Salvadore Cammarano. Edited by David Lawton. Series 1, vol. 18a., Works of Giuseppe Verdi, edited by Philip Gossett. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

1Johann Hermann ScheinCantional oder Gesangbuch Augsburgischer Konfession 1627/1645 Teil 1, ed. Adam Adrio, vol. 2 of Johann Hermann Schein neue Ausgabe samtlicher Werke, ed. Adam Adrio (KasselBarenreiter, 1965).

In-text Citation:

(Schein 1965, 2: 98).

Newspaper, Website, Blog Entry, or Comment


Bibliography Entry:

Coscarelli, Joe. "Rock's Not Dead, it's Ruled by Women." New York Times, Sep 3, 2017.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

3Joe Coscarelli, "Rock's Not Dead, it's Ruled by Women" New York Times, Sep 3, 2017.

In-text citation:

(Coscarelli 2017)



Bibliography Entry:

The Elgar Society. “Elgar: His Works – The Apostles, op. 49.” Accessed November 4, 2013.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

3“Elgar: His Works – The Apostles, op. 49,” The Elgar Society, Accessed November 4, 2013,

In-text citation:

(Elgar Society n.d.)


Blog Entry or Comment

Bibliography Entry:

Ross, Alex. "Music As a Weapon."  The Rest is Noise (blog). June 27, 2016. Accessed July 1, 2016.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

 1Alex Ross, "Music As a Weapon," The Rest Is Noise (blog), June 27, 2016, accessed July 1, 2016,

In-text citation:

(Ross 2016)

Streamed Videos, DVDs, or Online Concert

Streamed Video

Bibliography Entry:

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus. La Clemenza di Tito. Directed by Harry Bicket. Recorded December 1, 2012. Streaming video. Accessed May 7, 2019. Met Opera on Demand.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. La Clemenza di Tito. Directed by Harry Bicket. Recorded December 1, 2012. Streaming video. Accessed May 7, 2019. Met Opera on Demand.

In-text Citation:

(Mozart 2012, Act I)



Bibliography Entry:

The Case of the Three Sided Dream, DVD, Directed by Adam Kahan. Berlin: Arthaus Musik, 2016.


Footnote/Endnote Entry:

1The Case of the Three Sided Dream, DVD, directed by Adam Kahan (Berlin: Arthaus Musik, 2016).


In-text Citation:

(The Case of the Three Sided Dream 2016)


Online Concert

Bibliography Entry:

NPR Music. "Lizzo: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert." Filmed July 29, 2019. YouTube video, 16.59. Posted August 5, 2019.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

1NPR Music, "Lizzo: NPR Music Tiny Desk Concert," filmed July 29, 2019, YouTube video, 16.59, posted August 5, 2019,

In-text Citation:

(NPR Music 2019)

Online Interview or Lecture


Bibliography Entry:

Dearie, Blossom. "Blossom Dearie: Tiny Voice, Big Impact.” Interview by Terry Gross. WHYY Fresh Air. February 9, 2009.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

Blossom Dearie. "Blossom Dearie: Tiny Voice, Big Impact.” Interview by Terry Gross. WHYY Fresh Air. February 9, 2009.

In-text Citation:
(Dearie, interview, 2009)



Bibliography Entry:

Kelly, Thomas Forrest. “Introduction to the Symphonie Fantastique.”

Lecture for First Nights - Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique and Program Music in the 19th Century Harvard University EdX Online Courses, March 12, 2021.

Footnote/Endnote Entry:

Thomas Forrest Kelly, “Introduction to the Symphonie Fantastique,” (lecture, First Nights - Berlioz’s Symphonie Fantastique and Program Music in the 19th Century Harvard University EdX Online Courses, March 12, 2021).


In-text Citation:

(Kelly, Introduction to the Symphonie Fantastique,” lecture)

Multiple Citations by the Same Author

When one cites more than one work by the same author, every citation after the first begins with a 3-em dash followed by a period (———.) in place of the author’s name. HINT: To create a 3-em dash in Microsoft Word, press Ctrl+Alt+– on the Number Pad 3 times. To create a 3-em dash on a Mac, press Option + Shift + Dash (-) makes an em dash. Multiple citations by the same author are alphabetized by the title of the work as below.

Price, Florence. Meditation: For Piano Solo. New York, NY: G. Schirmer, Inc., 2020a.

­———. Three Suites for Piano: In the Land o' Cotton; A Day in the Life of a Washerwoman; At Our House. Edited by Barbara Garvey Jackson. Fayetteville, AR: ClarNan Editions, 2016.

———. To a Brown Leaf: For Piano Solo. New York, NY: G. Schirmer, 2020b.


In-text Citation:

(Price 2020a)

(Price 2016)

(Price 2020b)

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