A.B.–Bachelor of Arts
acad.–Academy, known as Preparatory Department until 1892
A.M.–Master of Arts (College)
A.M.t.–Master of Arts (Theology)
art–Drawing and Painting Department
B.D.–Bachelor of Divinity
c.–College of Arts and Sciences
coll.–College of Arts and Sciences
cons.–Conservatory of Music
Cons.–Conservatory of Music
D.B.–Bachelor of Divinity
dup.–duplicate entry (also in different department or class year)
Ed.Mus.B.–Bachelor of Music Education
G.S.T.–Graduate School of Theology, also known as the Seminary
L.B.–Bachelor of Letters
lit.–Literary Course
Lit.–Diploma in the Literary Course
Litt.D.–Honorary Doctor of Letters
L.H.D.–Honorary Doctor of Letters
LL.D.–Honorary Doctor of Laws
M.A.–Master of Arts
M.A.T.–Master of Arts and Teaching
M.R.E.–Masters in Religous Eduation
Mus.B.–Bachelor of Music
Mus.M.–Master of Music
Ph.B.–Bachelor of Philosophy
prep.–Preparatory Department, changed to Academy in 1892
Sch.Mus.B.–Bachelor of School Music
Sem.–Seminary, also known as Graduate School of Theology
S.T.M.–Master of Sacred Theology
su.–Summer Session
t–Graduate School of Theology (Seminary)