Method 1: A useful book can lead to others; look for books by the same author, starting with the same call number or using the same subject headings.
Method 2: Create lists of keywords and subject headings in three (or more) categories such as: Period, Location and Object type. Then combine them in Keyword searches. Prefix subject headings with "d:" for best results. For example:
d:New York City and apartment*
For Locations, search for the most precise location and then the encompassing areas: EX: Saint-Victor Abbey, then Paris, then France
Learn more about keyword searching
Method 3: Browse museum collections and imagebases (databases of images) such as ARTstor or the Metropolitan Museum of Art's collection.
This is very selective list of long-running, well-illustrated titles available in print. Most have current issues (1990 to present) online as well.
American Heritage. Terrell Library, 1949-2012
Fortune. Terrell Library, 1930-2009
Life . Terrell Library, 1936-1972; 1936-1972 in Google Magazines
Saturday Evening Post. Terrell Library, 1899-1974
Women's Interests
Good Housekeeping. Terrell Library, 1887 - 1909 (some gaps); 1916 - 1976
Harper’s Bazaar. Terrell Library, 1867 – 1929 (some gaps); 1963-1975
The Ladies’ Home Journal. Terrell