Getting an interview to render in Omeka involves four steps:
1) Exporting a zipped file from OHMS
2) Sending an email to Megan Mitchell indicating which interview(s) are processed and ready for the OHMS Viewer
3) Uploading the zipped file into Omeka (Megan)
4) Editing the Item in Omeka
On the Interview Manager screen, under the Title Column, click on the Check Box corresponding to the title you want to export.
Under Select Batch Action (dropdown box located in the right screen below the blue NEW button) select Export Selected Interviews as XML.
The files will be exported to a zipped folder. Do NOT unzip the folder
Note: Some browsers try to be ‘helpful’ (e.g. Safari) and automatically unzip files - change browsers if necessary.
Click on the OHMS Import tab (located in the left screen below the Dashboard tab)
Click on Choose File to upload the zipped folder containing the OHMS XML file(s) you downloaded to your computer in Step 1.
Make sure Automap OHMS Element is checked
Select Item Type Oral History. You may leave all other selections and boxes unchecked.
Click on Next
Click on the green Import OHMS File button
insert image
This is the OHMS Import Status table. Click on the copper colored Status tab or the browser’s Reload icon to update the status. Pay attention to the Skipped Items column in the table. A zero indicates that the interview loaded correctly. Any other number indicates an error. Check with Cecilia or Megan if this occurs.
Click on the Items tab (located in the left screen below the Dashboard tab)
Click the Edit link for the title you want to edit.
Click on the Item Type Metadata link and scroll down to Sort Priority.
Enter a four digit number e.g. 0001 to indicate the order in which you want the video to appear on the Oral History Interviews Gallery page.
Click on the Files link to upload an image file (e.g. jpg) from your computer that will display in the gallery. This is usually a photograph of the interview subject. If you don’t have a photo you can use/create a placeholder image.
Click on Save Changes