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Historic Costume: 20th & 21st c. America & the UK: Great Depression 1929-1941

Image rich resources for advertising from previous decades. Late 19th - the end of the 20th century.



Trade catalogs

    Sears: [Catalog]. (Print copies) 
   1897, 1928/29 - 1957 (incomplete), 1961, 1970

   Call # 658.872 Se17; Location: Storage


Use magazines for images of contemporary clothing and hints about the broader cultural context. 

Good Housekeeping. 1887-1976 (incomplete)
Print: Main Library, 1887-1976 (incomplete)
Online: 1994-2018



Ladies’ Home Journal. 1884-1976
Print: Main Library,1889-1976
Online: 1884-1907