CC0: stands for zero restrictions. The work is in the public domain, so users can adapt, distribute, remix, and build on material in any medium and format, share it freely, etc. with no restrictions. This is not categorized as a license, but rather as a tool.
CC BY: stands for “Creative Commons by”; users can adapt, distribute, remix, and build on material in any medium and format, as long as attribution is given to the original creator. Allows for commercial use.
CC BY-SA: stands for “Creative Commons by - share alike”; users can adapt, distribute, remix, and build on material in any medium and format, as long as attribution is given to the original creator. Allows for commercial use. Adapted/changed materials must be licensed also under CC BY-SA.
CC BY-NC: stands for “Creative Commons by - non-commercial”; users can adapt, distribute, remix, and build on material in any medium and format, as long as attribution is given to the original creator. Does not allow for commercial use.
CC BY-NC-SA: stands for “Creative Commons by - noncommercial - share alike”; users can adapt, distribute, remix, and build on material in any medium and format, as long as attribution is given to the original creator. Adapted/changed materials must be licensed also under CC BY-NC-SA. Does not allow for commercial use.
CC BY-ND: stands for “Creative Commons by - no derivatives”; works can be distributed in any medium or format as long as attribution is given to the original creator, but cannot be changed or adapted. Allows for commercial use.
Discuss the scenario on the handout provided with the person sitting next to you. Which creative commons license would help meet the goals in each scenario?