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Using Japanese Woodblock-printed Works at OCL: Home

The Mary A. Ainsworth Collection of Illustrated Japanese Books and other Japanese woodblock-printed works held at Terrell Special Collections.


This guide keeps the inventory of Japanese woodblock-printed works housed in Terrell Special Collections up-to-date and, whenever possible, connects each item to relevant digital resources for public use.

The materials do not circulate, however researchers can contact Terrell Special Collections to schedule an appointment and access the physical collections in the reading room. We recommend that you explore digital resources in advance of your visit and request materials by shelfmark.  

Inventory of the Ainsworth Collection

Most Japanese woodblock-printed works at Terrell Special Collections are in the Mary A. Ainsworth (Oberlin College Class of 1889) Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books, bequeathed to Oberlin College in 1950. For brief English descriptions of items in the Ainsworth collection, please refer to an earlier inventory.

When navigating the following table, please note that tsunogaki 角書き is placed within brackets before the main title; alternative title by which the work is commonly known is placed within brackets after the main title; titles in square brackets are tentatively given based on the content and require further research.

Use links attached to a Japanese title to see search results in the National Institute of Japanese Literature (NIJL)'s Union Catalog Database of Japanese Texts. A title unavailable in NIJL's database is linked to search results in other databases such as NDL SearchHathitrustSmithsonian Digital CollectionsHonolulu Museum of Art Collection of Asian Art-Japanese Woodblock Printsthe British Museum Collection, and Worldcat.

Use links attached to a cell in the Digital Images column to preview an item in the Mary A. Ainsworth Digital Collection of Japanese Illustrated Books.

Your corrections and suggestions will help Yilin, East Asian Studies Librarian, make this guide more useful. 

Shelfmark Japanese Title Romanized Title Digital Images
Ainsworth 1 富嶽百景 Fugaku hyakkel preview
Ainsworth 2 花鳥畫傳 Kachō gaden preview
Ainsworth 4 (南画獨學)揮毫自在 (Nanga dokugaku) Kigō jizai preview
Ainsworth 6 (いろは歌教訓)絵本目出度候 Iroha uta kyōkun ehon medetaku sōrō preview
Ainsworth 7 (教訓奇草)繪本花農綠 (Kyōkun kisō) Ehon hana no midori preview
Ainsworth 8 探幽臨畫 (聚珍畫帖) Tanyū ringa (Shūchin gachō) preview
Ainsworth 9 (京都名所)絵本都の錦 (Kyōto meisho) ehon miyako nishiki preview
Ainsworth 10 畫本拾葉 Ehon shūyō preview
Ainsworth 11 暁斎画談 kyōsai gadan preview
Ainsworth 12 花鳥画譜 Kachō gafu preview
Ainsworth 13 和漢名筆畫英 Wakan meihitsu gaei preview
Ainsworth 14 畵圖珍選 Gazu chinsen preview
Ainsworth 14b 雅興筆意畵圖絶妙 Gakyō hitsui gazu zetsumyō preview
Ainsworth 15 湖龍齋倭艸画 (混雜倭草画) Koryūsai yamato sōga (Konzatsu yamato sōga) preview
Ainsworth 16 百人一首像讚抄 Hyakunin isshu zōsan shō preview
Ainsworth 17 象牙彫刻法 Zōge chōkoku hō preview
Ainsworth 18 萬象圖鑑 Banshō zukan: kōetsu moyō preview
Ainsworth 19 意匠博覧 Ishō hakuran preview
Ainsworth 20a,b 光琳百圖 Kōrin hyakuzu  preview
Ainsworth 20c 光琳百圖後編 Kōrin hyakuzu kōhen not yet available
Ainsworth 21 繪本鶯宿梅 Ehon ōshukubai preview
Ainsworth 22a,b 神事行燈 Shinji andon preview
Ainsworth 23 芝居錦繪集成 Shibai nishikie shūsei preview
Ainsworth 24 和漢繪本魁 Wakan ehon sakigake preview
Ainsworth 25 六々藻集 Rokuroku sōshū preview
Ainsworth 26 應擧聚美畵譜 Ōkyo shūbi gafu preview
Ainsworth 27 應擧畫譜 Ōkyo gafu preview
Ainsworth 28 一掃百態 Issō hyakutai preview
Ainsworth 29 琦鳳画譜 Kihō gafu preview
Ainsworth 30,38,97 北斎漫画 Hokusai manga preview
Ainsworth 31 伊勢参宮名所圖會 Ise sangū meisho zue preview
Ainsworth 32 大和名所圖會 Yamato meisho zue preview
Ainsworth 34 江戸名所圖會  (江戸名所四十八景) Edo meisho zue (Edo meisho shijūhakkei) preview
Ainsworth 35 絵本江戸土産 Ehon edo miyage preview
Ainsworth 36,61 鶯邨画譜 ōson gafu preview
Ainsworth 37 美術盆栽圖 Bijutsu bonsaizu preview
Ainsworth 40 花鑑 Hanakagami preview
Ainsworth 41 曉齋鈍畫 Gyōsai donga preview
Ainsworth 42 山水花鳥早引漫画 Sansui kachō hayabiki manga preview
Ainsworth 43 國粋 Kokusui preview
Ainsworth 44 古代模様集 Kodai moyōshū preview
Ainsworth 45 諸職畫通 Shoshoku gatsū preview
Ainsworth 46 畫本獨稽古 Ehon hitori keiko preview
Ainsworth 47 古代模様式図考 Kodai moyō shikizu kō preview
Ainsworth 48 習画百題 Shūga hyakudai preview
Ainsworth 49 江戸名所花暦 Edo meisho hana goyomi preview
Ainsworth 50 [地口二葉艸] [Jiguchi futabagusa] preview
Ainsworth 51 錦絵摺立順序 Nishikie suritate junjo preview
Ainsworth 52 風流十二月 Fūryū jūnikagetsu preview
Ainsworth 53 [禽譜] [Kinfu] preview
Ainsworth 54 工業圖式 Kōgyō zushiki preview
Ainsworth 55 絵本太閤記 Ehon taikōki preview
Ainsworth 56 日本女装 中編 Nihon josō chūhen preview
Ainsworth 57 三都一朝 Santo itchō preview
Ainsworth 58 世話千字文繪抄 Sewa senjimon eshō preview
Ainsworth 59 繪本千年山 Ehon chitoseyama preview
Ainsworth 60 [観音図] [Kannonzu] preview
Ainsworth 62 合類繪本揃 (繪本藤の縁) Gōrui ehon soroe (Ehon fuji no yukari) preview
Ainsworth 63 [女大学] [Onna Daigaku] preview
Ainsworth 64 寸錦雑綴 Sunkin zattetsu preview
Ainsworth 65 萬職圖考 Banshoku zukō preview
Ainsworth 66 南朝外史武勇傳 Nanchō gaishi buyūden preview
Ainsworth 67 二十四孝圖會 Nijūshikō zue preview
Ainsworth 68 東都勝景一覧 Tōto shōkei ichiran preview
Ainsworth 69 (正風遠州流)挿華梥之翠 (Seifū enshūryū) sōka matsu no midori preview
Ainsworth 70 絵本女今川 (絵本節操草) Ehon onna imagawa (Ehon misaogusa) preview
Ainsworth 71 繪本藻塩草 Ehon moshiogusa preview
Ainsworth 72 [繪本福神狂言遊] [Ehon fukujin kyōgen asobi] preview
Ainsworth 73 繪本以呂波歌 Ehon irohauta preview
Ainsworth 74 繪本勇名草 Ehon isanagusa preview
Ainsworth 75 本朝百将傳 Honchō hyakushō den preview
Ainsworth 76 人物畧畫式 Jinbutsu ryakugashiki preview
Ainsworth 77 山水畧畫式 Sansui ryakugashiki preview
Ainsworth 78 草花略畫式 Sōka ryakugashiki preview
Ainsworth 79 鳥獣略畫式 Chōjū ryakugashiki preview
Ainsworth 80 大津繪 Ōtsu-e preview
Ainsworth 81 [畫帖] [Gachō] preview
Ainsworth 82 早引紋帳大全 Hayabiki monchō taizen preview
Ainsworth 83 綵羅之栞 Saira no shiori preview
Ainsworth 84 一蝶画譜 Icchō gafu preview
Ainsworth 85 (十襲秘蔵)春閨情史 (Jisshū hizō) Shunkei Jōshi preview
Ainsworth 86 華山翁蘭竹画譜 Kazan ō ranchiku gafu preview
Ainsworth 87 (古流生花)松廼影 (Koryū seika) Shōdaiei preview
Ainsworth 90 雲樵画譜 Unshō gafu not yet available
Ainsworth 91 本化高祖累歳録 Honke kōso ruisuiroku preview
Ainsworth 92 身延山真図 Minobusan shinzu preview
Ainsworth 94 浮世繪 Ukiyo-e preview
Ainsworth 95 尾形流百圖 Ogata-ryū hyakuzu preview
Ainsworth 96 金龍山浅草千本桜 Kinryūzan sensō senbonzakura preview
Ainsworth 98 絵本鷹かがみ Ehon taka kagami preview
Ainsworth 99 一老画譜 Ichirō gafu preview
Ainsworth 100 古代行列画纂 Kodai gyōretsu gasan preview
Ainsworth 101 改正岡山市明細地図 Kaisei okayamashi meisai chizu preview
Ainsworth 102 伝神開手北斎画鏡 Denshin kaishu hokusai gakyō preview
Ainsworth 104 狂歌三十六歌仙 Kyōka sanjūrokkasen preview
Ainsworth 105 通俗和聖東傳 Tsūzoku Washington den preview
Ainsworth 106 木曽路名所圖繪 Kisoji Meisho zue preview
Ainsworth 107 [手帖] [Techō] preview
Ainsworth 108 日本山海名勝画譜 Nihon sankai meishō gafu preview
Ainsworth 109 石燕画譜 Sekien gafu preview
Ainsworth 110 源平盛衰記図会 Genpei seisuiki zue preview
Ainsworth 111 (挿花聯芳)錦のはな Sōkarenhō nishikinohana preview
Ainsworth 112 児雷也豪傑譚 Jiraiya gōketsu monogatari preview
Ainsworth 113 復讐伊賀の水月;宮本二刀伝 Fukushū iga no suigetsu; Miyamoto nitōden preview
Ainsworth 114 女房三十六歌仙 Nyōbō sanjūrokkasen preview
Ainsworth 116 (女子消息)雁のゆきかひ (Joshishōsoku) Kari no yukikai not yet available
Ainsworth 119 生花早満奈飛 Ikebana hayamanabi  not yet available
Ainsworth 120 前賢故實 (Zenken kojitsu) kōshō not yet available

Beyond the Ainsworth Collection

The following Japanese woodblock-printed works held at Terrell Special Collections were not acquired as part of the Ainsworth collection. Use links attached to a call number in the Shelfmark column to see the bibliographical record in Worldcat. Links attached to items in the Japanese cataloging queue are only for bibliographical reference.

Shelfmark Japanese Title Romanized Title Digital Images of a Comparable Copy
BQ4660.J3 H37 1850 北辰妙見經和訓圖會 Hokushin myōkenkyō wakun zue 京都大学附属図書館所蔵
  延命地蔵経和訓図会 (block only) Emmei jizokyo wakun zue 酒田市立光丘文庫所蔵
ND1054.5 .Y64 1897 雍府画帖 Yōfu gajō 筑波大学附属図書館
ND1059.T145 A324 1880 (瀧澤清画)潜龍堂画譜. 魚類之部 Senryūdo gafu. Gyorui no bu 国立国会図書館所蔵
ND1059.M38 A4 1898 日本名畫鑑 Nihon meiga kagami. Tokugawa jidai no bu 石川県立図書館所蔵
G7961.S36 M1 1854 萬世御江戶繪圖 Mansei oedo ezu 大阪大学附属図書館所蔵
GA1245 .K6 1804 大日本道中行程細見記 Dai Nihon dōchū kōtei saikenki taizen 名古屋大学附属図書館所蔵
GN310 .T25 1854 外蕃容貎圖畵 Gaiban yōbō zue 東北大学附属図書館所蔵
DS873 .C48 1848 忠臣銘々畫傳 Chūshin meimei gaden  岩国徴古館所蔵
DS822.2 U52 駿河舞  Surugamai 小泉吉永所蔵
PL649.5 .H39 1742 日用重寶・文法大成・女教文章鑑 Nichiyō chōhō, bunpō taisei jokyō bunshō kagami 東京学芸大学附属図書館所蔵
NE1325.N34 C5 竹洞花鳥畫譜 Chikudō kachō gafu The Pulverer Collection所蔵
BJ1638.J3 S55 1886 教訓謠集 一 Oshieuta atsume 早稲田大学図書館所蔵
PL537 .J56 1887 尋常小学讀本 Jinjō shōgaku dokuhon  
cataloging queue 萬葉集略解 Manyōshū ryakuge ノートルダム清心女子大学附属図書館所蔵
cataloging queue 嘉永新増大日本國郡輿地全圖 Kaei shinzō Dai Nihon kokugun yochi zenzu UC Berkeley 東亜図書館所蔵
cataloging queue 釈迦八相倭文庫 Shaka hassō yamato bunko 江戸東京博物館所蔵
cataloging queue 北齋畫譜 Hokusai gafu Smithsonian Libraries所蔵
cataloging queue 雛形都乃錦 Hinagata miyako no nishiki MET Thomas J. Watson Library所蔵
cataloging queue 模樣雛形難波の梅 Moyō hinagata Nanba no ume 国立国会図書館所蔵
cataloging queue (橋爪貫一輯錄)日本会話篇 二 Nihon kaiwahen.