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Actionable Design Justice for Libraries

Introduction to Libguide

Welcome to the project guide for Actionable Design Justice for libraries, a collaborative anti-racist design project. This guide is designed for educators looking to design information literacy learning objects or interested in looking at instructional design from a social justice aperture. The tabs on the left describe our inspiration, our process, and an invitation for you to tell us what you think. Please feel free to use, share, or adapt anything that you find in this guide.

Digital Land Acknowledgement 

"Since our activities are shared digitally to the internet, let's take a moment to consider the legacy of colonization embedded within the technology, structures, and ways of thinking we use every day. We are using equipment and high-speed internet, not available in many Indigenous communities. Even the technologies that are central to much of the art we make, leaves significant carbon footprints, contributing to changing climates that disproportionately affect Indigenous people worldwide. I invite you to join us in acknowledging all this, as well as our shared responsibility to make good of this time and for each of us to consider our roles in reconciliation, decolonization, and ally-ship"


Based on the work of Adrienne Wong. You can find more about her work at the Spider Web Show.  

The Ohio Five Project

The Ohio 5 Instruction Librarians are designing a justice-oriented process for developing critical information literacy modules that will involve students in the process of developing learning outcomes and selecting assessment methods, creating a blueprint for student involvement in learning outcomes and learning design that can be replicated in other instructional settings.

Scope: One information literacy concept, tackled in a student-centered, design justice format with a dual purpose to capture the reflective process created and implemented along the way.  We will create a  powerful tool in order to enhance and deepen information literacy instruction in ways that are profoundly relevant to the academy, students and society.

Using principles from: Design Justice, decolonizing the classroom, open pedagogy, ACRL Information Literacy Framework, User Experience methods.

What it’s not: A plug and play model, a drag and drop student tool, a lecture series, strictly for academic purposes.

Bigger Picture: 1) Capturing and sharing our collaborative reflective design process in such a way those beyond Ohio Five schools can shape and engage with the process to meet their own needs. 2) Use the initial information literacy concept, as a planning template for creating additional information literacy components.