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Actionable Design Justice for Libraries

Ohio Five Consortium

"The Five Colleges of Ohio, a consortium of Ohio's leading private undergraduate institutions, collaborates to provide cost savings and cost avoidance to our colleges, promote scholarship and innovation on our campuses, and improve our competitive advantage in admissions and faculty recruitment." The Five colleges are the College of Wooster, Denison University, Kenyon College, Oberlin College, and Ohio Wesleyan University. 


To learn more, please visit the Five College of Ohio's website. 

Ohio Five Information Literacy Cohort

"The academy is not paradise. But learning is a place where paradise can be created. The classroom, with all its limitations, remains a location of possibility. In that field of possibility we have the opportunity to labor for freedom, to demand of ourselves and our comrades, an openness of mind and heart that allows us to face reality even as we collectively imagine ways to move beyond boundaries, to transgress. This is education as the practice of freedom.” bell hooks, pg 207 Teaching to Transgress

We are a group of instruction librarians from across the Ohio Five Consortium, collaborating since 2020 on instructional strategies and best practices and embedding social justice in information literacy instruction. Working across campuses affords us the infrastructure needed to deeply engage with students in our instructional design processes. 

Alonso Avila


Alonso (he/él/هو) is the Information Literacy and Student Success Librarian at Oberlin College where he liaises to the Hispanic Studies and English department. He is also passionate about hip-hop culture as another way of learning and engaging with society.

Annie Dempsey


Annie (she/her) is the Learner Experience Librarian at the College of Wooster, where she has been for the last four years.  In this role, Annie is a liaison to a number of academic departments and works to ensure a positive learning experience with the libraries.  

Liz Lang


Liz (she/her) is a Public Service Librarian at Ohio Wesleyan University. She has been an instruction librarian for ten years, working with nearly every department on campus, at some point in her career. Liz specializes in working with online tools to enhance the classroom experience. 

Lisa Morrison


Lisa (she/her) is the Social Science Librarian at Denison University. She has been an instruction librarian at Denison for three years. She was previously a teacher in Vietnam. Her passion is to support students as they challenge systems of power. 

Shannon Simpson

Shannon (she/her/s) is the Scholarly Instruction Librarian at Kenyon College and a Senior Consultant for UPD Consulting. Her focus on critical pedagogy, inclusion, and anti-racism are what lead her to creative innovations in undergraduate and adult learning. She relies on critical pedagogies and heavily opposes deficit models in order to create engaging and empowering educational experiences. In her former life, Shannon played the cello in a national symphony in Bolivia where she also taught English and Music Theory.

Elizabeth Sullivan


Elizabeth (she/her) is the assessment and user experience librarian at Oberlin College, where she provides reference and instruction services and focuses on designing user-centered and accessible systems.