The Oberlin College Art+Feminism 2023 Dashboard allows us to track our group contributions to the Art+Feminism campaign. All participants are requested to sign in before they begin editing. Oberlin's event is one of many such programs worldwide--follow everyone's collective impact on the Campaign Dashboard for Art+Feminism 2023!
Join us! We'll provide tutorials for beginners, reference books and materials, and snacks! People of all gender identities and expressions are invited to participate.
Thanks for joining us!
Art+Feminism is a campaign improving coverage of cis and transgender women, feminism and the arts on Wikipedia. From coffee shops and community centers to the largest museums and universities in the world, Art+Feminism is a do-it-yourself and do-it-with-others campaign teaching people of all gender identities and expressions to edit Wikipedia. Since 2014 Art+Feminism has hosted edit-a-thons and has gathered in 500+ events globally to create and improve thousands of Wikipedia pages.
Advice on selecting your username: Though you can choose to use your real name, as some Wikipedia editors do, you can also choose a pseudonym–Wikipedia does not require one one or the other. If you're completing a course assignment, remember that your professor and classmates will likely see your username (and know whose it is). Furthermore, anyone can look at a Wikipedia article's edit history and see the username of anyone who has edited the article. Consider if you want a username that reflects your personal identity. Usernames that imply they are shared by multiple users are not recommended (e.g., GSFS101-ABC).
Want more advice? Wikipedia's Username Policy has guidance for new users on how to choose.
A suite of four comprehensive art encyclopedias. Useful for scholarly overviews and excellent bibliographies.
Biographical information about over 500,000 people; includes images, full-text articles, and abstracts of biographical profiles, feature articles, interviews, essays, book reviews, performance reviews, speeches, and obituaries.
Indexes 350 art magazines and journals covering pre-historic to contemporary art. Some full text from 1995-date. For earlier dates search its companion database the Art Index Retrospective. Searching both databases simultaneously for publications dated 1929 to the present. Both databases index the Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin.
Indexes 500 journals covering European art since antiquity, American art sincle the colonial period, and Global art since 1945. Preceded by OpenBibArt.
Multidisciplinary - good for nearly all subjects. Scholarly and trade journals, popular magazines, newspapers, conference proceedings, book reviews, and more.
Covers the full spectrum of sexual diversity issues and gender-engaged scholarship inside and outside academia. Source documents include professional journals, conference papers, books, book chapters, government reports, discussion and working papers, theses and dissertations, and more. Dates of Coverage: 1972 to date
Includes the full text of more than one hundred current or historically significant Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) journals, magazines and regional newspapers, and books.
Over 1 million images selected to support research and reaching in art history from pre-historical to contemporary media.