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FYSP 067: The Climate of History: From Asia to the Anthropocene: Exercises

Short Quiz

Exercise: Reading Archival Materials


1) Dragon Track, Nov. 1938 

2) Dragon Track, Oct., 1942 Seely's on His Way to China

3) Corresponding exchange between Lan-Hua Liu and Bohn 1926 a) b)

4) Corresponding exchange between Lan-Hua Liu and Bohn 1929 a) b)

Keyword Game

Keyword Generator
Search Tips: how to use "AND" "OR" and "NOT"; 
And Or Not
Each result contains all search terms. Each result contains at least one search term. Results do not contain the specified terms.
The search heart and lung finds items that contain both heart and lung. The search heart or lung finds items that contain either heart or items that contain lung. The search heart not lung finds items that contain heart but do not contain lung.