Indexes 350 art magazines and journals covering pre-historic to contemporary art. Some full text from 1995-date. For earlier dates search its companion database the Art Index Retrospective. Searching both databases simultaneously for publications dated 1929 to the present. Both databases index the Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin.
Indexes architecture and related fields, from pre-historical to contemporary practice in 2,500+ international Journals. 1930s-date, with some titles indexed from 19th century.
Index to 1,200+ North American and European Journals covering Western Art from ca. 300 CE to present.
Citations of journal articles, book reviews, and essays covering topics of gender and sexuality in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East from 450 to 1500 AD. Dates of Coverage: 1990 to date
Indexes 500 journals covering European art since antiquity, American art sincle the colonial period, and Global art since 1945. Preceded by OpenBibArt.
Kubikat is the collective catalogue of four of the leading German scholarly art history research institutes located in Florence, Munich, Rome and Paris. Kubikat includes both article and book citations.