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SOCI 323: Carceral Studies: Getting Started

Newspaper and Magazine Articles

The databases below provide an easy way to search news and magazine articles across many publications. They may highlight a current issue or topic, which you can then explore more in the scholarly article databases in the next section.

Institutional access to the is provided to all current Oberlin College students, faculty, and staff.  

If you are new to campus or have not previously registered for Oberlin's institutional NYTimes access:

  • While on campus and connected to the Oberlin’s network or while using the VPN, visit
  • Create an account (claim a Pass) using your email address.
  • You have successfully claimed a Pass when you see the Start Your Access screen.

Once registered you’ll be able to access by logging into your account from any computer/tablet/device you use.

Students: When you register, you will be asked for your date of graduation from Oberlin. Your status will stay active through that date, with no need to reactivate/re-authenticate.

See our major newspapers guide for more details on the group pass.

All current Oberlin students, faculty, and staff have access to the Wall Street Journal website and Wall Street Journal apps, which include the content from the last four years.

You must register for an account using your Oberlin email using the link below: 

Activate your account

More information is available on the major newspapers guide.

Scholarly Journal Articles

Starting Points

Tip: Note the Subject Terms

Using the subject terms in SocINDEX and Criminal Justice Abstracts can save you time. Use them as keywords for a revised search or click on them to retrieve all the articles with that tag. Add additional terms to that search to refine your results. For example, the article below has four terms that you could use--some broad, some narrow.

Article Title American Jails: Health Care, Custody, and Control
Author Meyer, Fred
Document Type Article
Subject Terms
  • Medical care
  • Jails
  • Imprisonment
  • Social Workers
  *See this article in Criminal Justice Abstracts



Tip: Google Scholar - Off-campus Library Links

Screenshot of Google Scholar settings option for library links with library links circledIf you use Google Scholar while off-campus, you can avoid hitting publisher paywalls by adding Oberlin to your library links list.

  1. Click the three-line menu.
  2. Go to settings > library links
  3. Type in Oberlin College. Mark all the options.

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Clint Baugess
Mudd Center, Room 104
Terrell Main Library

Interlibrary Loan

Can't find what you need at Oberlin? For books, try OhioLINK. For books not available through OhioLINK and for other types of materials, use Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

ILL lets you borrow materials from non-OhioLINK libraries, including print books, scanned journal articles, musical scores, videos, theses/dissertations, and more.