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OHMS: Oral History Metadata Synchronizer

Entering Metadata into OHMS - one interview at a time

To enter metadata into OHMS:

     Click on the Interview Manager  (first tab on the dashboard menu)

     Click the blue NEW button (located on the far right opposite the Search Box)

     Enter the following information in the Metadata Editor form - all are required:

Title   Name of the Person(s)

Interviewee  (if more than one interviewee, click the red PLUS symbol to add additional names)

Interviewer  (if more than one interviewer, click the red PLUS symbol to add additional names)

Interview Date  (use format: yyyy-mm-dd as in 2019-01-19)

Collection ID  (name of project)

Series ID (e.g. Fall 2022)

Keywords (separate multiple concepts by a semicolon e.g. school; church)

Duration (use format hh:mm:ss e.g. 01:20:05 to show hours, minutes, seconds)

Media Format (select audio or video)

Media Host  (e.g. YouTUBE)

Media URL (copy the url from the SHARE link)



Type (Oral History)

   Click the blue SAVE button (located bottom right of page) when you are done entering your information.