Transcripts must be in a text format
(Word and Google Docs add coding that interferes with the system)
Windows Users: Begin transcribing in Notepad or paste plain text from a Word or Google Doc into Notepad.
Prepend the Interviewer’s and Interviewee’s name before each question and answer. For example:
Interviewer’s Name: What is your profession?
Interviewee’s Name: I am a clinical psychologist
When you are done, turn off Word Wrap by clicking on the Format tab and unchecking Word Wrap.
Save the document as a UTF-8 text file by clicking Save As and changing the Encoding from ANSI to UTF-8.
Mac Users: Begin transcribing TextEdit or paste plain text from Word or Google Docs into TextEdit.
Prepend the Interviewer’s and Interviewee’s name before each question and answer. For example:
Interviewer name: What is your profession?
Interviewee Name: I am a clinical psychologist.
When you are done, click on the Format tab and select Make Plain Text.
Save the document.