Search newspapers and popular magazines for artists who have little written about them elsewhere.
The Library Research Guide for News & Newspapers Databases lists news sources in the USA and from around the world.
See also the Research Guide for Major US Newspapers.
Full-text global news sources, including newspapers, newswires, television and radio transcripts, numerous regional and industry publications, and images from Reuters. Content comes from ~160 countries in 22 languages. Only 3 Oberlin users at one time.
A wide range of news, political, legal, and business information from thousands of sources, mostly full text. Includes newspapers, magazines, wire services, federal and state court opinions, federal and state statutes, federal regulations, and SEC filings. News information is updated daily and wire services several times daily.
World News Connection (1995 - 2013)
Translations and transcripts of news stories from non-U.S. media sources including newspaper articles, conference proceedings, television and radio broadcasts, periodicals, and non-classified technical reports. Coverage focuses on socioeconomic, political, scientific, technical, and environmental issues and events. Dates of Coverage: 1995 - 2013
Provides abstracting and indexing for popular magazines and periodicals, and full text for the majority of titles.
Digital Archive of The Nation, a weekly news magazine. Dates of Coverage: 1865 to date
19th Century U.S. Newspapers
Full text searchable articles representing most US states. Includes searchable page scans of the originals. Dates of Coverage: 1800-1899
America's Historical Newspapers (1690-1876)
Cover-to-cover reproductions of hundreds of historic newspapers, providing more than one million pages as full text searchable scanned page images.
Chronicling America: Historical American Newspapers
A collection of freely accessible historical American newspapers from all regions of the United States, developed by the Library of Congress. Dates of coverage: 1836-1922
A selection of US regional and speciialized news sources:
African American Newspapers (1827-1998)
Provides online access to hundreds of historical U.S. newspapers chronicling the African American experience. Dates of Coverage: 1827-1998
Ethnic NewsWatch
Full-text coverage of newspapers, magazines and journals of the ethnic, minority and native press in America. Dates of Coverage: 1959 to date
Hispanic American Newspapers (1808-1980)
Searchable full text scans of Spanish, English and bilingual newspapers published in Hispanic communities in the United States.
Historical Newspapers Online
Gateway to hundreds of open access historical US newspaper collections on the web, organized by state; maintained by University of Pennsylvania Libraries. Dates of Coverage: 17th c. to date
Scanned newspapers from small- and medium-sized towns across the US with some international coverage. Dates of Coverage: 1600 to date