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East Asian Studies: Primary Sources

Updated in Summer 2024

Primary Sources

Buddhist Texts online 佛教大藏經

CBETA Chinese Tripitaka – 大藏經                        

Japanese Taisho Tripitaka – 大正新脩大藏經

Master Shengyan Dharma Drum – 聖嚴法師法鼓全集

Digital Collections - Oberlin College Libraries

Mary A. Ainsworth, an Oberlin alumna of 1889, bequeathed her Japanese Artist Book collection to Oberlin College in 1950. The works are mostly from late Edo (1603-1867) to 1912.

Digital collection related to the activity of Oberlinians in Asia from the 1880s & the 1950s

This growing collection consists of selected images of architecture, sculpture, paintings, and other media from various art historical periods. These images are selected on the basis of the curricular needs of the Oberlin College Department of Art.

Oberlin College educational use only - Redistribution off campus prohibited.

Images and Maps

Major Streaming Video Plaftorms

Special Collection & East Asian Collection

Chinese Rare books Collection  (coming soon)

If you are interested to learn more about printing and special collection, 

please visit: Special Collection

Our Special Collection Librarian also teaches every winter term (Jan) for Letter Press Printing